defmodule ParsedDate do
use Ecto.Type
def type, do: :date
def cast(str_date) when is_binary(str_date) do
case DateTimeParser.parse_date(str_date) do
{:ok, date} -> {:ok, date}
_ -> :error
def cast(%Date{} = date), do: {:ok, date}
def cast(_), do: :error
def load(%Date{} = date) do
{:ok, date}
def dump(%Date{} = date), do: {:ok, date}
def dump(_), do: :error
Elixir Tips
Include this in your schema and stop worrying about string dates! ``` field :some_date, ParsedDate ```39 upvotes
David Bernheisel
Fast Postgres table counting in Ecto
`SELECT COUNT(id) from my_big_table` could be too slow for huge tables since it traverses all rows. Instead, you can get an approximation that's updated every AUTOVACUUM.defmodule MyApp.Repo do use Ecto.Repo, otp_app: :my_app, adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres @doc """ # Fast Postgres counting. This will query internal PG tables that're updated by AUTOVACUUM. It's an approximate count based on the total disk size of the table divided by the average size of row. For example: ACTUAL count `SELECT count(id) from my_big_table` = 4535133 APPROXIMATE count 4499917 (off by 35216) Crash course: reltuples = # of rows (relation) on a page relpages = # of pages of rows These ^ are updated based on the last AUTOVACUUM which runs periodically Get the average # of rows on a page eg: reltuples = 4499917, relpages = 2050761 4499917 / 2050761 = 2.1942669087232 Postgres essentially stores a page on a disk block. So now we need to query disk information: pg_relation_size = disk size of table current_setting('block_size') = disk block size Get the row size per block for the table eg: pg_relation_size = 16799834112, block_size = 8192 16799834112 / 8192 = 2050761 Now multiply the rows per page with the row size per block eg: 2.1942669087232 * 2050761 = 4499917 """ def fast_table_count(ecto_schema) do table = ecto_schema.__schema__(:source) case Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!( __MODULE__, """ SELECT (NULLIF(reltuples, 0) / NULLIF(relpages, 0)) * ( pg_relation_size('#{table}') / ( current_setting('block_size')::INTEGER) ) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = '#{table}' """ ) do %{rows: [[nil]]} -> 0 %{rows: [[count]]} -> count end end end
Isaac Yonemoto
makes logging sane.
put this in your .iex.exs; and log lines will bump the console prompt down.if function_exported?(Mix, :__info__, 1) and Mix.env() == :dev do # if statement guards you from running it in prod, which could result in loss of logs. Logger.configure_backend(:console, device: Process.group_leader()) end
David Bernheisel
Disable FLoC in Phoenix
Want to disable Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) in Phoenix Framework? h/t to @mcrumm# my_app_web/router.ex defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do use MyAppWeb, :router pipeline :browser do # ...other plugs... plug :put_secure_browser_headers, %{"permissions-policy" => "interest-cohort=()"} end end
David Bernheisel
Paginate through APIs with Stream.resource
Stream.resource is great for indeterminate streams, like API pages. Build a request, then handle the next page until it's finisheddef stargazers(%CodeRepo{owner: owner, name: name}) do Stream.resource( fn ->, @base_url <> "/repos/#{owner}/#{repo}/stargazers", @default_headers) end, fn nil -> {:halt, nil} request -> handle_request(:get, request) end, fn _request -> nil end ) end defp handle_request(verb, request) do case Finch.request(request, HTTP) do {:ok, %{body: body, status: status} = response} when status in @success -> {[response], next_page_request(verb, response)} {:ok, %{body: body, status: 429} = response} -> handle_rate_limit(verb, response) {_, response} -> {[response], nil} end end
Adolfo Neto
Clearing the screen on iex or erl
When doing REPL-driven development, either on iex or on erl, the commands below are the ones I type when the screen is full of past commands and I want to clear the screen and go to the top.iex> clear erl> io:format("\ec").
Be aware that nil is an atom
In Elixir, sorting occurs between types as: number < atom < reference < function < port < pid < tuple < map < list < bitstring. So be sure that your value is not nil or any other atom.nil >= 3 # => true # Because the following is true is_atom(nil) # => true # Which also leads to that funny little truth: :negative_infinitiy > 42 # => true # Also: Integer.parse("fortytwo") > 100 # => true # => Integer.parse("fortytwo") results in :error
Jason Axelson
Generate a unique positive integer
Generates an increasing integer, that is unique to this BEAM instance.iex> System.unique_integer([:positive, :monotonic]) 1 iex> System.unique_integer([:positive, :monotonic]) 2 iex> System.unique_integer([:positive, :monotonic]) 3
David Bernheisel
Only validate Ecto changeset if already persisted
You can validate a field based on if it's in memory or persisted. Use Ecto.get_meta/2 to check for the state of the struct h/t to @sleeplessgeekimport Ecto.Changeset def ensure_hostname_is_permanent(changeset) do state = Ecto.get_meta(changeset, :state) # state will be :built (in memory), :loaded (persisted), or :deleted (on its way out) if get_change(changeset, :hostname) && state != :built do add_error(changeset, :hostname, "Cannot change hostname after persisting") else changeset end end
Isaac Yonemoto
IO.inspect snippet for VSCode
Makes multiline IO.inspects easy. You can usually ninja them out easily as a multiline too.{ "Inspect": { "prefix": "ins", "body": "|> IO.inspect(label: \"$0$TM_LINE_NUMBER\")", "description": "Adds a pipeline with a labelled `IO.inspect`", } }
David Bernheisel
Convert UTF-32/16 with BOMs to Latin1
UTF-32 and UTF-16 binary can contain byte-order-marks, which complicate translating to ASCII or UTF-8. Here's how to trim the BOM off the binary.# Construct our UTF-32 string with a BOM iex> utf32_with_bom = <<0x00, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF>> <> :unicode.characters_to_binary("foo", :utf8, :utf32) <<0, 0, 254, 255, 0, 0, 0, 102, 0, 0, 0, 111, 0, 0, 0, 111>> # Convert it to UTF-8, see the BOM? iex> :unicode.characters_to_binary(utf32_with_bom, :utf32, :utf8) "\uFEFFfoo" # Try to convert to ASCII. Notice the error iex> :unicode.characters_to_binary(utf32_with_bom, :utf32, :latin1) {:error, "", <<0, 0, 254, 255, 0, 0, 0, 102, 0, 0, 0, 111, 0, 0, 0, 111>>} # Get the BOM byte size iex> {_encoding, bom} = :unicode.bom_to_encoding(utf32_with_bom) {{:utf32, :big}, 4} # Pattern-match the BOM and trimmed UTF-32 binary iex> <<_skip::bytes-size(bom), utf32::binary>> = utf32_with_bom <<0, 0, 254, 255, 0, 0, 0, 102, 0, 0, 0, 111, 0, 0, 0, 111>> # Now convert to ASCII iex> :unicode.characters_to_binary(utf32, :utf32, :latin1) "foo"
David Bernheisel
Postgres 12 Full Text Search with Ecto
Postgres can perform quick full-text search across columns with the help of generated columns.# Setup the migration execute """ ALTER TABLE tips ADD COLUMN searchable tsvector GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( to_tsvector('english', coalesce(title, '') || ' ' || coalesce(description, '')) ) STORED """, "ALTER TABLE tips DROP COLUMN searchable" create index("tips", ["searchable"], name: :tips_searchable_index, using: "GIN", concurrently: true ) # Use it in your queries import Ecto.Query def search(queryable \\ Tip, search_terms) do queryable |> where( [q], fragment("? @@ websearch_to_tsquery('english', ?)", q.searchable, ^search_terms) ) |> order_by([q], [ asc: fragment( "ts_rank_cd(?, websearch_to_tsquery('english', ?), 4)", q.searchable, ^search_terms), desc: q.published_at ]) end
To serve Phoenix apps without a reverse proxy like Nginx or Apache, the OS must allow the Erlang VM to listen in port 80, and 443 if you want https. By default you can't.
# Replace <path_to_erlang_folders> with the path to the VM that will run your app # and run this on the command line in your server, as root. setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' <path_to_erlang_folders>/erts-11.1/bin/beam.smp
This is a common recurring lookup at my company, how to convert from a map to a struct and vice versa
defmodule BestStructEver do defstruct [:a] end # Struct to simple map: iex> Map.from_struct(%BestStructEver{a: "foobar"}) # => %{a: "foobar"} # Map to a struct: iex> struct(BestStructEver, %{a: "foobar"}) # => %BestStructEver{a: "foobar"} # Note: The struct function is from Kernel, so `Kernel.` can be omitted.
The Enum and Stream modules complement each other quite nicely and can be used for easy and effective data processing. Take a look at how you can stream process a CSV file!
# $ cat ./expenses.csv # # System76 Lemur Pro,1499.99 # # MacBook Air,1999.99 # # AMD Ryzen 3950x,749.99 # ... iex> "./expenses.csv" |> ...>!() |> ...> line -> ...> line |> ...> String.trim() |> ...> String.split(",") |> ...> |> ...> String.to_float() ...> end |> ...> Enum.sum() 4249.97
ExUnit is packed with plenty of great develop experience-related goodies. One of my favotites is the built-in coverage reporter!
$ mix test --cover Cover compiling modules ... .. Finished in 0.06 seconds 1 doctest, 1 test, 0 failures Randomized with seed 213130 Generating cover results ... Percentage | Modules -----------|--------------------------- 100.00% | CoverageTest -----------|--------------------------- 100.00% | Total Generated HTML coverage results in "cover" directory
By default, job uniqueness is based on teh queue, state, and args. Did you know you can restrict checking args to only a subset of keys?
# Configure uniqueness only based on the id :id field defmodule MyApp.BusinessWorker do use Oban.Worker, unique: [keys: [:id]] # ... end # With an existing job: %{id: 1, type: "business", url: ""} |> |> Oban.insert() # Inserting another job with a different type won't work %{id: 1, type: "solo", url: ""} |> |> Oban.insert() # Inserting another job with a different type won't work %{id: 2, type: "business", url: ""} |> |> Oban.insert()
The BEAM has some of the best observability tools built right into the runtime. Right down to tracing individual GenServer process execution flow!
iex> {:ok, agent} = Agent.start_link fn -> [] end {:ok, #PID<0.112.0>} iex> :sys.trace(agent, true) :ok iex> Agent.get_and_update(agent, fn state -> {state, [1 | state]} end) *DBG* <0.112.0> got call {get_and_update, #Fun<erl_eval.44.12345123} from <0.110.0> *DBG* <0.112.0> sent [] to <0.110.0>, new state [1] [] iex> Agent.get(agent, fn state -> state end) *DBG* <0.112.0> got call {get, #Fun<erl_eval.44.12345124} from <0.110.0> *DBG* <0.112.0> sent [1] to <0.110.0>, new state [1] [1] iex> :sys.trace(agent, false) :ok iex> Agent.get(agent, fn state -> state end) [1]
Did you know that you can selectively replace args when inserting a unique job? With `replace_args`, when an existing job matches some unique keys all other args are replaced.
# Given an existing job with these args: %{some_value: 1, other_value: 1, id: 123} # Attempting to insert a new job with the same `id` key and different values: %{some_value: 2, other_value: 2, id: 123} |> 10, replace_args: true, unique: [keys: [:id]]) |> Oban.isnert() # Will result in a single job with the args: %{some_value: 2, other_value: 2, id:123}
You may know that the <> operator is used to concat binaries (strings)...but did you also know you can use it for pattern matching binaries?
iex> "You can" <> " " <> "concat binaries!" #=> "You can concat binaries!" iex> case "user:b4c52a55-e2d9-446f-908d-42c9812f2e8a" do "admin:" <> id -> {:admin, id} "user:" <> id -> {:user, id} _ -> {:error, :invalid_format} end {:user, "b4c52a55-e2d9-446f-908d-42c9812f2e8a"}
Did you know that Oban lets you specify constraints to prevent enqueuing duplicate jobs? Uniqueness is enforced as jobs are inserted, dynamically and atomically.
# Configure 60 seconds of uniqueness within the worker defmodule MyApp.BusinessWorker do use Oban.Worker, unique: [period: 60] # ... end # Manually override the unique period for a single job{id: 1}, unique: [period: 120]) # Override a job to have an infinite unique period, which lasts # as long as jobs are persisted{id: 1}, unique: [period: :infinity])
Did you know that you can prioritize or de-prioritize jobs in a queue by setting a priority from 0-3? Rather than executing in the order they were scheduled, higher priority jobs execute first.
# Configure uniqueness only based on the id :id field defmodule MyApp.BusinessWorker do use Oban.Worker, queue: :events, priority: 1 # ... end # Manually set a higher priority for a job on the "mega" plan{id: 1, plan: "mega"}, priority: 0) # Manually set a lower priority for a job on the "free" plan{id: 1, plan: "free"}, priority: 3)
In the queue-pause saga, did you know you can start a queue in the paused state? Passing `paused: true` as a queue option prevents the queue from processing jobs when it starts.
# In a blue-green deployment, it may be necessary to start queues when the node # boots yet prevent them from processing jobs until the node is rotated into # use. config :my_app, Oban, queues: [ mailer: 10, alpha: [limit: 10, paused: true], gamma: [limit: 10, paused: true], omega: [limit: 10, paused: true] ], ... # Once the app boots, tell each queue to resume processing: for queue <- [:alpha, :gamma, :omega] do Oban.resume_queue(queue: queue) end
Did you know that when an app shuts down Oban pauses all queues and waits for jobs to finish? The time is configurable and defaults to 15 seconds, short enough for most deployments.
# Change the default to 30 seconds config :my_app, Oban, repo: MyApp.Repo, queues: [default: 10] shutdown_grace_period: :timer.seconds(30) # Wait up to an hour for long running jobs in a blue-green style deply config :my_app, Oban, shutdown_grace_period: :timer.minutes(60)
Did you know that you can pause a queue to stop it from processing more jobs? Calling `pause_queue/2` allows executing jobs to keep running while preventing a queue from fetching new jobs.
# Pause all instances of the :default queue across all nodes Oban.pause_queue(queue: :default) # Pause only the local instance, leaving instances on any other nodes running Oban.pause_queue(queue: :default, local_only: true) # Queues are namespaced by prefix, so you can pause the :default queue for an # isolated supervisor Oban.pause_queue(MyApp.A.Oban, queue: :default)