Elixir Tips

Elixir Tips

  • Parker Selbert



    Oban - Replace Args

    Did you know that you can selectively replace args when inserting a unique job? With `replace_args`, when an existing job matches some unique keys all other args are replaced.
    # Given an existing job with these args:
    %{some_value: 1, other_value: 1, id: 123}
    # Attempting to insert a new job with the same `id` key and different values:
    %{some_value: 2, other_value: 2, id: 123}
    |> MyJob.new(schedule_in: 10, replace_args: true, unique: [keys: [:id]])
    |> Oban.isnert()
    # Will result in a single job with the args:
    %{some_value: 2, other_value: 2, id:123}