Elixir Tips

Elixir Tips

  • Parker Selbert



    Oban - Initially Paused

    In the queue-pause saga, did you know you can start a queue in the paused state? Passing `paused: true` as a queue option prevents the queue from processing jobs when it starts. https://hexdocs.pm/oban/Oban.html#start_link/1-primary-options
    # In a blue-green deployment, it may be necessary to start queues when the node
    # boots yet prevent them from processing jobs until the node is rotated into
    # use.
    config :my_app, Oban,
      queues: [
        mailer: 10,
        alpha: [limit: 10, paused: true],
        gamma: [limit: 10, paused: true],
        omega: [limit: 10, paused: true]
    # Once the app boots, tell each queue to resume processing:
    for queue <- [:alpha, :gamma, :omega] do
      Oban.resume_queue(queue: queue)